Friday 24 January 2014

Share and Get Rewarded! [HOT]

Tonight I'm gonna share something cool for all of you. Earn money by just sharing cool stuffs on social network. Awesome ayy. (Share, orang klik, dapat rewards)

Have you been heard about 8share? (Sebelum ni namanya 'Says' tapi dah tukar) Kpd korang yg dah ada 8share tu, teruskn usaha okayy. Tapi kepada yg belum tu, hahh good news kepada korang.. Even blogger or not, just share on any social network, every unique click, you'll earn rewards.. Tak payah cakap panjang lebar.. Terus ke langkah..

1. Klik sini dlu dah tu, exit.. Hehe
2. Signup here
3. Lepas signup & account confirmed, go to and log in..
4. Korang editlah maklumat korang & profile pic. (Psst.. Korang dapat 10 BP tauu)
5. After that, click the 'SPECIAL' menu at the menu option up there, korang carilah apa apa article yg cool dan awesome bagi korang. Klik article tu and share kat fb/twitter/ any social network, even on your blog.

*every click earns you 20cents. Don't look down on a little amount, sikit2, lama2 jadi bukit. Kan kan kan..
*BP tu bonus point yg mana korang boleh guna BP untuk tebus hadiah!!

*Lagi awesome, korang download la apps 8share kat Google Play atau App Store.. Lagi senang share cool stuff & cash out guna phone.
*My rewards masih sikit lagi.. Maklumlah, baru beberapa hari lalu signup..

*Every successful referral, earns you RM1.

#like my entry? Jot down your ideas on this comment section.. And shareeee... Hehe

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