Friday 7 November 2014


[November 7, 2014]

Hi guys. Sorry for the delays and not being active on Blogger these months. And yeah, SPM CANDIDATES joooo. This could be the shortest entry of my blog, but at least I updated my blog, ayy? I've been thinking of buying a new domain name for my blog since the old one ( has expired. I'm thinking of buying new domain name ( that seems short, right??

   Wokay back to our main title, tbe first week of SPM is just okay. Despite the math paper 2 question suddenly popped out some HOTS question. Like wth with those jackfruits and durians and rockets... hahaha... but at last, I managed to answer it. My math paper 1 in spm, I scored 39 out of 40! Insane! I just hate that I get wrong answer in question 9... Circle, tangen.... duh.. haha... Aim for A+es and hopefully the graph will go down, go low.. So we achieve more A's in SPM results.

   BM, BI are okay so far... Moral! Omg like two and a half hours are not enough! Erghhh. But managed to answer all! :) Next papers will be history.. Hopefully I'll achieve at least A- for this too... and many more subjects to come... I have to sit another 7 papers to go... Because I took 11 subjects including ICT and Music.. haha..

   Wokay.. It seems that this is not the shortest entries of em all... Haha.. GOOD LUCK AND ALL THE BEST SPM CANDIDATES 2014. !!!