Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Miracles happen, again :) #SPM

3 March.

This date is truly a hell for SPM 2014 leavers. We get our results . I was pretty nervous for the whole day til 12 noon, in our school.

At 11 or something, I sat down under the hut at the basketball court nearby, with Fevbrian and friends. We were absolutely cannot calm ourselves. Anything can happen when we knew our results. That time, Natasha sent me a link (you can check your SPM results via web) So I have the urge, the anxiousity to know my reults. So I clicked the link, and key in my Indentity card number and the angka giliran, aaaaaaaand I clicked the "Semak keputusan" button. Gosh I was so nervous that time. Wondering what'll happen next, whether I'm passed out or cry a river. Who knews. Then suddenly my results popped out!

At first, I read it as 2A+... I thought I just managed to achieve 2As. Brought me down for a sec. Then I read it twice, trice, I saw 2A+, 2A, 3A-.... kira punya kira, skali 7As!!!!! I can't forget how happy am I this morning. I screamed and shouted out loud and jump happily at the same time. That feelings tho'. Hahahaha. I'm just... happy ;)

So when we're in the school hall, they started to hand over the SPM slip to us. Before that, The teacher will announce best students with 7As and above. Starting with Randdy. Nobody believe he managed to achieve 7As! Bravo!!! My name also announced to go to the front and received my SPM slip handed by my school principle. Overall I got 1.60. What a remarkable moment for me and also foe my friends! Haha.

Well, of course 7As, but the evil D at the end hurts. It was Chemistry. But at least I passed and I tried my best. And Music helps me to achieve an A+ to fulfill my wish- get at least 7As. Hahaa... other than that. I have the opportunity to see and have those precious time to keep in touch with my friends as we haven't met for so long. Dyed hair, long hair, like everything's changed! And I also got the chance to wear my school uniforma, maybe for the last time for my high school momsnts. Hehe. Anyway, congratulations my friends, you've tried your best! And God has a better plan than just this piece of paper. Remember, this is just the beginning of our real life. ;)

2A+, 2A, 3A-, 1B+, 1B, 1C, 1D ♡

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