Monday, 17 March 2014

Best BSMM SMKT Camp Ever!


"Youth On The Move ~"
"~We make the move like"
*handshake style*

DISCLAIMER: this post is too long to read, hope u will read it all :) thanks 

O My Gosh, I never thought that all our hardwork and business worth a lot! A special thanks to the facilitator members and Kem Asas BSMM SMKTs' participants! First time in history, participants reaches up to 120 peoples! *raise your glass*

  Before the camp, there were hundreds even thousands problem hit us, problems with the hall, problems with the time and activities, problems with the props, problems with facilitators and et cetera. I have to break my bones for this camp. The first day camp, Friday, in the afternoon, I have to go back home to prepare my stuffs and bring all the props. Around 5 bag I have to bring to school, exclude the props from MRC Tuaran Branch..yeap.. pretty many!

I arrived a bit late *my dad from KK, tu lah lambat sya kna hantar* I arrived there and still, be busy.. No time for participants... huhuhu... the nametag are not well-prepared yet. *Apa bleh buat, sibuk tahap dewa, berlari sini, berlari situ* After the aerobic session, then the activity session started. *macam baru ja kna buat oh.. operasi tambah, tolak, darab, bahagi*  

That night, after the participants finished shower, we then started to shower. Activity and activity for that night and lastly with CPR practical, by Mr Albert Joseph. Slpas tu, Runaway project.. dress 'em up with newspaper. After that, the participants went to sleep. :)

"ahh malas sya sudah mo ber-inggiris inggiris ni malam hahaha. excuse me to use my own language :) "

Malam tu, around jam 11 or jam 12, peserta tdur lah, kami yg faci ni sbhgian tdur, sbahagian bangun... kamiurang bangun la.. Disebabkan tu Faci Keselamatan jalankan tugas drg, kmi pun join la... Malam tu la paling sandi, p sana blok sains pastu tuuuuuuuut (haha sorry xbleh bagitau) kami brabis lari laju-laju ni.. x lama, datang lagi kami, pastu lpas tuuuuut (still, can't tell you) trus kami memecut laju lagi.. hahahha balik2 lah bgitu... syok jga bahh.. XD

Jam 1.30am, trus sy kasi bangun dorang yg sdg tdur... "Banguuuuun! Jam 5 sudah, ada ceramah kita awal2 pagiiii" I said.. padahal baru jam 2 gitu.hahha. Actually this is only trick. kmi mo buat Malam Berani Jaya @ Malam pungguk... hahaha di pagi subuih @ tengah malam.... time2 hujan pun kami kasi jadi sja. ni kali kami kasi extend tempat saaaaaaampai blkg ICT, sblh kantin tu... (Dkat tu kawasan tuuuu... hahahah) Dalam banyak2 peserta, si Irvine J juga la paling sandi, paaaaaaaling lama kna bawa nih. Sampai kasut dia masuk longkang yg berair, terjatuh la, limpas kuburan la, kna hujan la, berjalan atas kerusi panjang la... aishhhh kesian jga hahaha... Ryan Arther lagi.. kami kasi letak dia sana dkat kantin. (dgn pengawasan oke) last2 yg mo jam 4 sudah baru suruh dorang sndiri cari ahli kumpulan dorang. hahahaha... teriak yg terlampau kuat ni drg..  AMNESIA!!! STROK!! SAKIT JANTUNG!! SAKIT HATI!! OBESITI!!! arghhh banyak la nama kumpulan dorang tu hahhaa. lpas jmpa peserta sdh, msk dewan sdh, trus suruh drg p tidur.
.. aish.. terlalu penat, tdr la trus... bangun jam 6. hahah

Bangun jam 6.... x ikut jadual sdh ni... hahhaha pagi2 senamrobik, pastu joging, pastu latihan kawad... sdh penat, trus p makan tu peserta... but still, kmi masi lagi blum makan ala ala anoreksia nervosa. hahaha..
time-time ni mmglah a bit bored... ya lah, ceramah pendidikan palang merah, Bebat balutan, patah & pengurusannya.. well, we don't like to give speech so just move on to practical.. I thought them to bring triangular bandage for their practical session..
Jam time2 Cikgu Elizabeth bagi ceramah, sempat la sy p jenguk luar tgk yg lain kasi sedia skill station drg utk larian berhalangan..hahha banyak btul ni yg syok!.. Sy 1 tahun sdh tidak main lumpur... Untuk menubat rindu, buka kasut and rendam kaki di dlm lumpur.. arghhh dapat jga mengimbas memori tahun2 lalu mandi lumpur hahahhaa... All of them had lots of fun, I guess. So am I. Trus last2 bergambar la kami and then pgi mandi...

That night, MALAM MUHIBAH @ malam kebudayaan dude! paling syok! kasi lightning effect lagi... All of them buat lain daripada yg lain ni tahun. SANGAT SYOK! komedi la, iklan kurap la, music video la, fashion show guna anduh la, and lastly parody utk fasilitator! HAHAHAHAHA YES SO FUNNY but teda ni sya. huhuhu hahhaha (tepalah lol)

After that, lpas malam muhibah, then come MALAM CAHAYA @ Malam unggun api. First time ever made on SMKT MRC camp oke.. panggang sausage lagi.. biarpun sebahagian terbakar hahaha... Main truth or dare, "SPIN THE BOTTLE!!!!!" esehmen... syok btul ni.. tp malam tu la paling sodih buat sya, sakit perut masuk angin ni =_=

After peserta tidur, Kimberly forced me to help her making her dough for the Drill night. buat luka kan... tp x lama sya p tidur sdh sbb sakit perut sdh.. huhu... fyi, kami tidur di luar... di antara dewan & kelas (dekat kawasan unggun api).. Kami bawa tempat duduk paaanjang ni jadi katil. hahahhaha.. ada 'class' sikit!

jam 2 subuh, drg Charlene kasi bangun sya, mmg xcukup btul tdur but last2 sya bangun jga.. terpaksa la kami smua bangun and make bloods, and make fake injuries and stuff like that, and we told Vonne to bring his car for the props. Lpas tu, sdh set smua props and mangsa, trus kami play Car Explosion sound effect guna speaker lagi... hahhaha. takazut ok loud volume. trus after play, faci ambil bahagian drg, and trus peserta smua bangun ni kluar! Start la ba kami teriak2... Sya pula berlakon menangis hahaha.. Ryan Arther ingat ada org kerasukan sbb bunyi tandang pintu... ada lg yg lain ingat pasal lain.. hoho.. then sy suruh drg kasi selamat mangsa... saja2 kasi drg panik.. but actually a MRC member shall not be panic in any situations. nahhh ada yg panik brabis smpai xtau mo buat apa2... But what I like about them is, they're think in creative way, sampai guna batang penyapu segala, pakai buku lah, like seriously, kmi dlu teda la buat bgitu bah. Cheers to you guys!!

trus after that, marah2 drg suruh p dewan and facilitators start complaining and marah2 sama peserta... and sya x tahan trus sya suruh drg pumping! hahahaha *jahat me!* sengaja ja tu, suruh kamurang fresh. after that kami teriak nama suruh drg p depan lagi.10 persons p dpan.. kami suruh drg sebut kesalahan drg setiap satu... and because of them, sya suruh semua peserta injut ni 10 kali.! and by the time sy suruh injut kali ke-10,.... nahhh HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!! birthday surprise to 10 of our participants who were born on March! Happy birthday March People!! and itu bukan MALAM DERA, tapi itu MALAM KEJUTAN!!!! Cheers!!! :) OMG we're so sorry for that! hahhaa.. yg penting you'll end up with joy and happiness. OMG ada lagi sampai menangis.. :') lpas smua org makan cake, jam sudah menunjukkan jam 6... so kami suruh p tidur balik and bangun jam 7.30... of course penat hahahha... tp banyak yg still fresh trus p main bola ni. (Seriously sy mo join btul ni! tp kasut sya x membenarkan sya huhu) haihh.. hahaha lpas tu ada sikit aktiviti lagi, pastu suruh pi sarapan pagi and tukar baju BSMM... and PENUTUPAN MAJLIS oredy... huhuhu Cikgu Jamaliah memberi kata-kata ucapan and Kimberly too... after pemberian hadiah, terus ke sesi HARI PENGHAYATAN. Yes, Dorestey managed to make many of us cried, so am I. Paling bikin sentuh hati sya tu yg A Letter from Mom and Dad. Trus mengalir air mata sya oh.. After that, sbg penutupan, persembahan beatbox dari Nicarlos, Irvine & Freddy! Awesome man! do practice hard and be professional someday! :) (aish... sy pun mau ni bljr beatbox. haha... tp apakan daya, badge sya ni Acapelans sja.. Sound harmony- A capella. awesome kalau beatbox + A Capella. trus matching habis. BOOM! meletup! huhai..

After dorang kasi kemas barang dorang, drg masuk dewan and bersalaman dengan fasilitator, kna play music lagi ni... And I finally cried because I'm too emotional that time.. Terlalu terharu kan.. sampai peluk org sudah!.. I'm just... very thankful to God for his willing. Terharu btul sbb sya x sangka ni kem akhirnya berjaya juga, x sangka ni kem smua peserta dia sporting, x sngka ni kem all our effort worth a lot, and x sangka ni tahun last kami di SMKT, sebagai fasilitator... :'( *emotional lagii*

hmmm... soooo sad, but apa2pun, thanks for all of your support guys! I REALLY APPRECIATE IT! Kenangan Manis Tercipta.. :)


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