Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Kem Kesihatan di Kg Monggis 2015

[Today is April 20th, 11:44pm]

Fuhhh. Kemarin, balik rumah ja dari kem trus tidur. Nda ingat dunia sdh. Haha


The first day of health camp 2015 in Kg Monggis, MRC Tuaran Chapter adopted village, I mean, kampung angkat. Kind of located in rural Tenghilan. I went to the bangunan cabang at 6a.m. perhaps. With all my heavy luggages full of clothes, pail, favourite blanket et cetera. I firstly thought that everybody's are gettin ready, but guess what? They're still sleeping.
Around 9, the first team went to Kg Monggis to give speech and teaching on how to brush teeth and wash hands in a proper way. They taught for 110 students from S.K. Kayangat (Which is not that far from Kg Monggis). While us, the second trip, were still in bangunan. Mau tengahari sdh baru jalan bei. Sya sma huda di belakang lori jaga tu barang drpada jatuh. Kind of awesome moments for us to chill and feel the vibe, enjoy the sceneries of Tenghilan and then gettin wet by rain. We finally arrived on the Balairaya in Kampung Monggis. Those sceneries reminds me of my hometown, Tambunan. I started miss  my hometown ♡. Then, we set all the things up, clean the hall, cut the grass, setting up wiring. Sya pla kena suruh jadi paparazzi a.k.a photographer (not a pro, I use auto. In a process of learning manual photography). That evening, kami kasi nangis kakak Khatrie and played the song See Ypu Again (performed by Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth). Around 5o'clock, we went down to the field to play football together with the villagers, during slightly-heavy rain. We had lots of fun, lots of laughter and lots of injury. Hahaha. Them villagers kinda master, they beated us! Haha. After we fully exhausted, we went to any nearby bathroom to bathe. Sya pigi sja mndi lugai2 sna dkat mata air sja. Hahaha. What a freaking cold water! Trus hilang segala cramp kaki. Seriously. Sejuk2 tu air pun, mcm nda puas mandi. Mau sja balik2 p mandi because of the cold water. And then malam tu, Sir Richard gave us some briefing for the next day First aid in community.


In the morning, abang Kevin woke us up by singing Negaraku. Lepas kami bangun tu, we're getting ready for the First aid in Community, we taught to the villagers on how to do first aid by using anything that you'll find near you, or in your house, and even outside your house. Sya pula mengajar part Patah (fracture). I used slippers for the splints and clothes for the bandages. Same technique. The villagers gained many informations, learned something through this event. Ini slot berlarutan sampai petang. Baru habis.. And after the villagers went back home, we changed our shirts and then played football again! But this time, we'll play football together with kakak Khatrie and abang Kevin. Again, we had lots of laughter than seriousness in football. Hahaha. Sya lari2, boleh2 sya terjatuh and then tergolek2 dua kali. Hahahahahahahaa. "Kena tackle nyamuk" said abang Rasdi. LOL. Actually, sya tergelincir gara2 terpijak tanah lembut di siring padang. And when I'm in unstable condition, trua terjatuh la... time bergolek2 tu, sempat lagi berfikir "biarla, golek2 dlu.. hahah" funniest part, abang kevin kasi masuk his foot on the (opponents team) boy's trouser, berbunyi ba. Hahahaha. And who knew? Meyrynn was the man of the match. Such an active girl. Dari hujung padang ke hujung padang dia berlari utk kasi kacau tu bola. Hahaa. Excellent! Last2 kami dapat 6 gol whereas the villagers got 12 (or something like that) goals. Hahahaha. Yep. We had a great great great time. And then malam tu, diorang yg di dapur, masak makanan for dinner. Lauk yg drg hidangkan, omaigadddddddddd. Ikan goreng, ikan ampap, ladies finger + belacan, kacang panjang, dan jus anggur. Macam pelahap ba sya makan malam tu. Sebab homesick kan. Haha.. makanan yg selalu kena masak di rumah. Yummy!!! Kami makan sama2 dlm satu meja yang paaaaanjang. Buat yamseng2 lagi segala. Hehee.


  Last day of health camp in Kampung Monggis. We tidy all the things up because everybody's gonna get here. Ceramah kesihatan, derma darah, pemeriksaan kesihatan, and even the villagers will come.Part sya dlm derma darah, sya jadi photographer juga. So I took lots of noobish photography (ndapandai begambar guna manual). And then ada satu ceramah yg diberikan oleh IK persekitaran yg bertajuk "denggi". Yeap, kinda mainstream but not all villagers even us take it serious about dengue fever. Lepas tu banyak juga la penduduk kampung pigi derma darah & buat pemeriksaan kesihatan. In another hand, the other MRC members pigi tanam tu mercu tanda (tayar) with captions :SELAMAT DATANG KE KAMPUNG ANGKAT BSMM CABANG TUARAN. Cantik bah. Yang mo petang sudah tu kan, abang kevin suruh2 sya sma Allan p derma darah and we both brabis tidamau. Ntah mcm mana tu, last2 p sign in borang juga. Hahahaha. Sya ingt terkandas la tengah jalan. Skali pass pass pass last2 p derma darah juga. Odoi dogo tu jarum punya tebal (pestaim begia). Actually I'm not into syringe. Mau cakap fobia, tidak juga. Mau cakap suka, lagi la tidak. Tunggu punya tunggu, lain btul sya rasa time kasi gerak2 tu paip. Odoi bolrh rasa tu darah bergerak kluar masuk ba. Hahaha. And then sekali sya tertinguk tu pin darah sya, start sudah pening2 then tuli2 sdh. Trus tu sister cabut nehh. Ohooooooo. Tengah jalan terkandas. Hahahaha. At least dpt jga pengalaman menderma darah & dapat sijil. That time, Datuk Jahid Jahim sebagai pengerusi BSMM cabang Tuaran turut hadir utk merasmikan penutupan kem kesihatan di kg monggis.Trus ndalama hujan kuat ni. Edei.. At last, Pemberian pakaian derma kepada org2 kampung...
  Lepas smuanya selesai, kami pun gotong royong la kasi bersih tu kawasan balairaya sebelum balik Tuaran. After all done, sya sama beberapa org naik belakang lori lagi pulang p bangunan. But first, kami singgah la dulu  pekan Tenghilan p buang sampah & hantar LC di sana. After we finally arrived in Bangunan, kami cuci2 la segala piring2, kuali semua and put it back in where it supposed to be. Sya stay skijap then pulang rumah la.. dapat juga beras satu kampit - 5kg. Hehe.

Thanks for reading ni cerita hasil perah otak mengingat semula apa yg kami buat sblum ni. Terdelay kan blogging... And right now, I'm waiting for the pictures~.
Bah. Sya mo publish dlu ni post and then p do anything I want today. (Mau kopipes dlu ayat si abang tersayang → ) ADIOS~

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Eighteen cool!

Today is April 7 @ 10:55pm

Last Thursday, a day after April Fool's day (April 2, 2015) was my birthday! I am now officially eighteen. Boleh sudah p sana Cock & Bull. Hahaha. That morning, I went to post office Tuaran tu pay all those bills. Electricity bills, broadbands, Home telephone and et cetera. After that, I just directly went to the Tuaran Bus terminal to meet Ajirul, Fevbrian and Onel. Four of us were waiting for Raycellynn. Around few minutes past 9, we went to Kota Kinabalu by mini bus.

When we arrived in KK, we directly went to Suria Sabah via City Bus. We were in a hurry. Berlarian ala-ala Running Man haha. Actually we went to Golden Screen Cinemas in Suria to buy tickets for 5 of us, to watch Fast and Furious 7. Ngam-ngam kena release time birthday sya kan. Hihii. After bought the tickets, kami pusing pusing la satu Suria tu.. We went to Restaurant for our breakfast + pre-lunch while waiting for our movie yang akan dimainkan pada jam 12:30pm tu.. Selfie punya selfie, makan punya makan, Sekali 12:15 sudah.. Sekali, Raycellynn tengok balik tu ticket, the movies was supposed to played at 12o'clock. Apalagi, berlarian la kami naik tingkat atas balik, pegi GSC tonton Fast Furious 7. Despite we arrived there quite late, more than 15minutes, Yang penting masih awal ba. Haha.

Memang kusyuk la menonton tu wayang. Sampai part2 hujung.. Feeling tu memang la feeling habis, tapi sya no feeling btul time ty. Because I can only get myself into movies and feel it time sya tonton tu movie saturang, preferably on computer la. Kalau nangis2 time tgk movie saturang tu, memang siok la sbb teda yg nampak. Haha.

Lepas tonton movie, barulah jalan2 skijap, pegi Big Apple, then pulang. Memang kami p KK utk tonton tu movie ja, sempena birthday boy yg sedang ber-blogging sekarang ni. Wakakaaka.

Then, pulang la kami jam 4 begitu... After that, I went back home and get ready to go to church for White Thursday mass. After the mass, kami pegi beli kek la. Pulang rumah then celebrate trus even kamiurang empat ja. Hahaha. Makan kenyang kenyang la kan.. tapi harus beringt juga yg next day tu Good Friday~ Berpuasa dan berpantang. Hehe.

By the way, thank you for all these birthday wishes for me, thanks guys! I really appreciate it! Thanks juga geng FOUR (si rimpit@ariel, dungkilon@gwen sama si ragas@kylie) sebab bagi sya present ni!! Ada birthday wishes card lagi. Awwwww. Love you guys ketat ketat. Hahaha. Anyway, May God bless all of you guys. Bah. Sya mo tidur dulu la.. for this entry's last word (sya copycat dari ayat femes abang Amrie @ Abang Hazzzzzzzrul @ abang jerol @ abang kesayangan yg nda disayangi 😂.. "ADIOS~"