During the videoshoot, we took 2 days which was on Thursday (at our Class) and Tuesday (around the school). I never knew that being a director, videoshooter and video editor at the same time was really hard. It was really a hot day, then hard rainy day in the evening which was the end of their video shoot!
Head-director: Teacher Joan (JadeSisters)Director: Alexander Irvin (ME).
Singer: DmergeNigma (Lexterneil, Gary Ronaldo, JC Joe'En, Effy Rystal, Ellyonie and Awang Iskandar)
Lyricist: Teacher Joan x Teacher Sahia
Composer: Didi Moo (JadeSisters)
Producer: Eyes and Ears Productions x JADEsisters
Recorded at: Eyes and Ears Production Studio.
Powered by: The students of SMK Tamparuli.
This song is a huge gift for Merdeka57, Malaysian Day and SMK Tamparuli 50 year Golden Jubilee celebration. Don't forget to WATCH, LIKE, COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE!!