Tuesday, 15 July 2014

113 Days to go... SPM~

July 15, 2014

  Speaking of SPM, are you ready to fight for your future, guys? Well some of you are ready, but the others not. Same goes to me.. I don't even realize that we're now in the middle year of 2014. SPM are around the corner.. Just 113 days left. *ughh*
  I'm not ready yet including the electives subjects. Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Additional Mathematics.. et cetera.. Hmph.. They're freaked me out.
  Oh yeah, I just bought 2 unique ID of PIN, which are UPU Pin (Category A) for my personal identity for the university intake. The other one, Matrics. Pin for the 'matrikulasi'.. Next time I wanna buy the UiTM Asasi Pin.. hoho.. (These or This pin are so important for those continuing their studies to matrix or University). Both of the pins costs me RM16.60.
  Anyway, for those who are same badge with me, *97 dudes and babes* who will be sitting for SPM this November, All the best man! Good Luck, God bless and keep fighting for our future!
  Oh yeah, and one thing, before I ended tonight entry, I just want to take note to myself and 97-batch, PLKN intake name-search for 97-batch can be accessed by this end of July.. :) peace!